The following services below are offered for winterizing. Most services have been flat rated so that you will be able to estimate your winterizing charges. Please check off the following services you wish to have done to your boat. Please call if you have any questions at 401-364- 6040 or e-mail .
*NOTE* If you have never serviced your vessel with us before, please contact our service department directly.
*NOTE* This is a rough estimate due to variances in boats and motors.
*NOTE* Please supply dock lines & bumpers if your boat is being dropped off by water. We do not supply them for you. You will be charged if none are available. See our WINTER PREP LIST .
Please check off the services you would like... Do you want us to add fuel/oil stabilizer to your tanks?* Fuel Systems: Due to today’s fuels it is highly recommended that boat fuel tanks be kept as low as possible during the off season and stabilize the fuel that is left in the fuel tanks. All portable fuel tanks should be drained for the off season.Recommend that fuel tanks be as low as possible and stabilized for the winter months. Portable fuel tanks should be empty for the winter months. Oil tanks should be filled. Cost: $Fuel stabilizer @ $.55/oz per 5/gallons. Ring free separate. (THE COST OF THIS ITEM WILL NOT BE REFLECTED IN THE ESTIMATE TOTAL)
Do you want us to winterize the fresh water systems?* Includes draining all water from system, cleaning filters, and installing non-toxic anti-freeze through system. Includes shower, sink and toilet:
Cost: $80.00 plus anti-freeze @ $12.29/per gallon (THE COST OF THIS ITEM WILL NOT BE REFLECTED IN THE ESTIMATE TOTAL)
Do you want us to winterize the salt water systems?* Includes draining all water from system, cleaning filters, and installing non-toxic anti-freeze through system. Includes raw water wash down system and live wells:
Cost: $70.00 plus anti-freeze @ $12.29/per gallon (THE COST OF THIS ITEM WILL NOT BE REFLECTED IN THE ESTIMATE TOTAL)
Do you want us to winterize the A/C & Heating Systems?* Includes draining all water from system, cleaning filters, and installing non-toxic anti-freeze through system. Includes draining pump, strainer and condenser. Cost: $80.00 plus anti-freeze @ $12.29/per gallon (THE COST OF THIS ITEM WILL NOT BE REFLECTED IN THE ESTIMATE TOTAL)
2-Stroke 2-8hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
2-Stroke 9.9-35hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
2-Stroke 40-70hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
2-Stroke 85-140hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
2-Stroke 150-250hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
2-Stroke 150-300hp HPDI Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F2.5-6hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F8-9.9hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F15-F20hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F25 Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F30-F40hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F50-F70hp Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F75-F115hp inline 4 Cylinder Motors Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F150-F200hp inline 4 Cylinder Motors Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F200-F250hp V Block 6 Cylinder Motors *3.3 Liter Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F225-F350hp V Block 6 Cylinder Motors *4.2 Liter Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke F350hp V Block 8 Cylinder Motors Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No
4-Stroke XF425-450 V Block 8 Cylinder Motors Outboard Winterization Includes the following: Running motor with freshwater and checking engine temperature, changing engine oil, oil filter, fuel filter, boat fuel filter lower unit oil, grease pin-points on motor, grease prop shaft and check condition of propshaft & prop. Run motor on winterize mix, perform multi-point inspection of motor and report any deficiencies with recommendation for resolution. *NOTE*
All non-serviceable fuel filters on motor are extra charges (VST FILTER). Please ask for more information and an estimate to change these filters.
Yes No